Meet in-person ​​in the Boulder, Longmont, Denver Colorado area, or virtually from anywhere in the world for psychotherapy, coaching and hypnosis for trauma resolution and performance. 

what to expect

Attention to Living is a dynamic short-term therapy that embraces living your life. The goals of this dynamic approach are present-and-future oriented and designed to create correctional shifts and adjustments in interpersonal experiences and facilitate new understandings that support change from behaviors that have proven unproductive or burdensome.  While the therapy is short-term - effecting change as quickly as 3 sessions - it facilitates profound long-term change.

New understandings.  New experiences.

Together, we will work proactively and in partnership to create change efficiently and with greater effect.  Emphasis is placed upon a specific problem and a direct intervention. Problems of addictions, performance, and grief are only a few of the many well-suited to treatment. You will explore your current thinking, feeling, and action patterns to identify those that limit successful outcomes, and then integrate new patterns that support changed thinking, feeling, and action. These new patterns will provide opportunities for increased successful outcomes.

The subconscious mind does not know the difference between a real and an imagined event.  Make that work for you.

attention to living

Attention To Living is a brief dynamic therapy.

Be the Change

Attention to Living is a pro-active partnership between
client and therapist.

You will learn that deep, unexpressed emotions inhibit opportunities for success and provide great emotional suffering.  Discovery and expression of these suppressed emotions, along with education regarding their healthy function, often provide opportunity to correct fear-based motivations and replace them with better-suited motivations.  Often, feelings of abandonment, loneliness, and disconnect can be replaced with feelings of empowerment, love, and competence.  The good news is that you can learn to support a new way of interaction that is in your best interest and benefits you and those within your ecology.  

The focus of this modality is solution-oriented with a present-and-future orientation. Attention to Living Therapy is less concerned with how a problem arose than with the current factors sustaining it and preventing change.  The reduction of distressing symptoms is necessary to provide opportunity for change that positively impacts lifestyle and, in turn, provides for greater life perspective.  Prepared with a perspective of influence, life obstacles and opportunities can be seen and navigated.  These new understandings often provide the stage for spontaneous change.  

Attention to Living Therapy encompasses the most recent therapeutic developments, including current brain research. Educational materials, coupled with experiential opportunities for observation and practice, will provide opportunity for new experiences.  When realized, new experiences provide for greater perspective, which affords more opportunity, thus supporting change that is beneficial and reciprocal within your ecology.  Self-realization occurs through real life practice and promotes healthy growth.  It facilitates the opportunity for you to live your life!

Attention to Living Therapy is a pro-active partnership between client and therapist that utilizes interventions that foster your goals.  For you to formulate new understandings, you rely on new intelligence concerning cognitive processes.  Current brain research suggests that therapies that incorporate mind, body and spirit provide for greater and more dynamic healing.  Attention to Living Therapy incorporates dynamic interventions such as Movement, Creativity, Animal, and Nature Therapies as well as fully utilizes Psycho Cybernetics.  

Psycho Cybernetics is the analysis of your bio-feedback loop - the idea that an action by a system causes a change in its environment and that change is fed to the system via feedback.  The feedback causes the system to adapt to these new conditions and the system's changes affect its behavior.  Psycho Cybernetics is very effective at increasing learning and permitting progress to be made more quickly.

You may see yourself inaccurately.  Your perceptions may be distorted or erroneous, which can likely influence your beliefs about yourself and the world.  These beliefs are imbedded in your subconscious mind.  It is possible that even when things do change in your world you may still see them as they were before.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz, a renowned cosmetic surgeon, often found that after he had performed impressive reconstruction procedures, patients would complain they couldn't see a difference.  In other words, something in the biofeedback process wasn’t able to deliver new information that would change the person’s perception despite the reality of new information.  Even though significant changes had occurred, the person couldn’t appreciate it as their perspective stayed the same.  Your self-image is a mental picture that you have of yourself including your beliefs about your strengths and liabilities.  Your behavior is defined by these beliefs, some of which are helpful and some of which are no longer useful.

Beliefs that are no longer useful will limit your capacity to achieve desired goals.  In addition, out-dated or restrictive beliefs will assist behavior patterns that support inflexibility, self-defeating expectations and negative self-appraisals.  These often lead to unhealthy interactions internally and with others.  Human behavior is a cybernetic system, one that relies on feedback to make adjustments.  If the corrections made are based on outdated or restrictive beliefs, a person’s ability to make meaningful adjustments may be hindered enough to induce or amplify stress and reduce success.

Recent medical science has proven how powerful our thoughts can be in curing disease.  Negative thoughts can contribute to disease and, conversely, laughter increases the number of antibody producing cells and diminishes the number of stress hormones.  This means a stronger immune system and greater resilience to stress.  

Athletic trainers have known for sometime the power of Psycho Cybernetics.  It is not surprising to learn that the psychological training of Olympic athletes is based on the concepts in Psycho Cybernetics.  It is said that when Bruce Jenner, 1976 Olympic Gold Medal winner, was asked what it felt like to win the Decathlon he said, “It felt the same as the 100 times before when I visualized it in my head.”   Many successful people credit visualization for their achievements, from business success to athletic achievement to an improved sex life.  If you see it you can be it.  It is good to know that you can teach an old dog new tricks.