This intensive is a mindful solution for mindless behavior. It is a 3 session program will support you during the upwards of 72 hours needed to reach peak withdrawal. The sessions totaling 5 hours are held in 10 days. Hypnotic suggestions, strategies, energy medicine, and self-awareness education will assist you in living in a nicotine-free body once again.
Other life regression therapy is designed to assist individuals in a greater understanding of the obstacles they face today. No one can say for sure the origin of these memories, but what is more important is how they may be used to provide you with greater support in understanding your current life circumstances and your greater life purpose. Whether these memories are singular yours, some aspect of your greater wisdom, or a part of the collective unconscious matters less than the therapeutic value they provide for greater perspective and better balance concerning self-awareness.
This intensive is a 6 month program and includes sessions using hypnosis with neuro linguistic programming, applied pyscho-neurobiology, cognitive behavioral therapy, and energy medicine. Attendance to the first three months of the program requires a frequent commitment to sessions that decreases over time. The last three months of the program are designed for support in deepening your mindful practices to support maintenance.
Work with Tami or Carson to understand who you would like to be through this profoundly sacred phase of life. In this deep-dive, discover how to make your sacred journey of passing meaningful for you and for those around you. The work includes processing through talk and other dynamic modalities, as well as regular energy medicine sessions. Energy session are designed to bring balance to your mental, emotional, and spiritual fields. These fields provide tremendous support to the physical field and assist in pain management and aid in grace.
It's not always easy to talk about dying. It can be very hard to express what you are feeling when you are confronted with death and dying. Awkwardness, embarrassment and fear can cause you to shy away from honest dialogues with yourself and those around you who are already grieving. This silence can lead to feelings of isolation, loneliness and greater physical, emotional, mental and spiritual distress.
You want to be understood and accepted despite your prognosis. Like everyone else, you need to feel loved, cared for and protected. That can be challenging at a time when such attention may feel intrusive or signify a surrender to a process outside of your own influence.
Whether you are now approaching your dying process with peace or you feel frightened, confused, and even angry, it is paramount that you are able say and do the things you'd like before your exit. Resolution of unfinished business may help you have peace of mind. Our work together can help you to come to terms with your dying process.
We may discuss: how to say goodbye; how to have importance conversations about death and dying; and what you may experience as death approaches. Tami can provide you guidance on how to talk with children, as well adults. Most importantly the goal of the work will be to restore your sense of perspective, find balance and proceed through this sacred journey with purpose and grace.
This weight management program is for the serious and committed person who is determined to change their eating and movement habits for a healthier mind, body and spirit. It will support you in your own healthy eating program, assist you with psychological and motivational aspects, and is designed to address compulsive eating and enhance motivation to exercise and reduce weight.
This deep dive eight-week program is designed to ensure that you lose at least 16 pounds at the finish of the program. The first four weeks are consecutive and the last four are scheduled according to specific criteria that ensures you are taking responsibility for your own weight reduction.
Here Is How It Works: Accountability is the foundation of this program and works as an incentive for your own weight reduction. More importantly, it allows you to advance through the program with reasonable, incremental success that you can actually see. The program is designed to put tools and methods in your hands through coaching, guidance for strategies, access to internal and external resources, and adherence to timetables. Once you have completed the program, you will know self-hypnosis, have a method for stress management, and possess practice-based educational handouts - all to provide you the skills and tools needed to sustain the changes you are looking for over time.
Nicotine is one of the most toxic of all poisons. It damages your brain byde-sensitizing and rewiring your brain to grow millions of nicotinic receptors in over eleven regions. The craving you'll experience originates from the same dopamine pathways as that of an alcoholic, heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine addict.
Stop smoking and:
This intensive is three 2 hour sessions. It use a deep connected breath to open your body’s energy channels and accelerate the flow of creativity and intuition. Each session is divided between breath work and processing through applied pyshco-neurobiology, hypnosis, and attention to living therapy.
Addiction is characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding some type of stimuli, despite it having adverse consequences. It is considered a disorder of the brain's reward system.
If you suffer from an addiction your habits and patterns associated with your addiction are typically characterized by the expectation of immediate gratification with little regard outside of the short-term fix. It is often not addressed proactively and usually only after it has taken a high toll on your lifestyle. The deleterious effects are all encompassing and include your interpersonal relationships, job security, and eventually the criminal justice system.
Treatment for such pervasive behavior is best treated aggressively with regularly scheduled sessions designed to educate you on the process of detoxification, assist you in better self-awareness concerning why and how you addict, reveal the irrational beliefs you have that inadvertently support your addiction, provide you with new strategies for coping with your triggers, and help you feel confident in using rational thought to stay clean.
Join mind/body/spirit therapist, Tami Boehle-Satterfield for this 12 hour intensive designed to assist you or you with a loved one in creating the loving relationships you want in your life. Each week includes educational information, practices for greater insight, dynamic practice sessions, energy work and analysis of relationship styles via viewing major motion pictures on the topic of love.
This intensive is six sessions and includes four 2-hour sessions and two 1.5-hour sessions. Sessions include: hypnosis, applied pyscho-neurobiology, contextual therapy, and energy medicine.
This intensive is a mindful solution for mindless behavior. It includes ten 2 hour sessions, customized sessions using hypnosis with neuro linguistic programming and energy medicine, and practice-based work sheets. Follow up sessions or maintenance sessions are available, should you find a need for them at anytime.
Rebirthing breath work utilizes specific breathing techniques designed to release memories from the pre-birth, birth, and post-birth experiences. These early memories can account for unhealthy emotional or mental patterns present in your life today. Unmanaged stress caused by unacknowledged and unprocessed feelings can be the source of great dissatisfaction in life.
Research supports that intentional modifications to breathing can improve physical health, mental clarity, and emotional well-being. Conscious connected breathing is normal for the body but is often suppressed by the emotions and events of the past. Rebirthing Breathwork allows you to practice a natural and healthy patterned breathing that supports your relationship with your breath and the power of the breath as a function of the body. Like kriva yoga and pranayama, Rebirthing Breathwork causes a build-up of oxygen in the blood, resulting in what is called prana or life energy. The result is an increase in the level of energy in your body that is cleansing to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual tensions you may hold. With the release of these tensions you can increase your ability to experience joy and aliveness, resulting in improved health and vitality.
Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Do you know what you believe about love? Do you know what your partner believes about love? Do you know what love is? Many people don't really know what they believe about love or what they think it is. It is hard to create, participate, or attract something you don't understand. Love is a complex experience that requires, at its foundation, intimacy.
Understanding love and intimacy can be challenging. Sharing your inner and outer world with a partner is a rewarding aspect of a loving relationship, but one that many say is missing.
Learn how to communicate physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually with the goal of enriching the love experiences presently in your life, or even those you would like to attract. Learn about the hidden and not so-hidden things that you and your partner believe and have experienced about love that may hinder your current loving experience. Learn how to determine if what you think about love is useful to you and how to employee new beliefs that will support you in creating rich and supportive relationships. Learn about the fundamental experience of love and the resistance you may have to the true experience of love. Learn what intimacy is and how to begin practicing it in order to deepen your satisfaction not only in your relationships, but also generally in your day-to-day life. With a clearer understanding of love and the ability to practice honest communication with yourself and your partner you can attract and develop deeply loving relationships. In answer to Tina Turner's question, love has everything to do with it.