A session is typically 60 minutes long and takes place on a table similar to a massage table.  You are fully clothed for the session.  You will experience the practitioner's touch as very light at your feet and head.  Most of the work will be done off the body and is often felt indirectly.  It is quite amazing how peaceful and centered you will feel following a treatment.

Sessions designed for pre- and post-surgery often expedite the healing process and will provide you with confidence and peace of mind regarding your procedure.

Tami and Carson also utilize recorded music, the vibration of voice, Tibetan brass bowls, and crystal singing bowls.  The crystal singing bowls are made of the highest quality (99.992% pure) quartz crystal intended for therapeutic use, and are infused with the finest in gemstones and precious metals.  Tami and Carson both use color through direct practice, intentional exposure, and with hypnosis.  All vibrational healing is applied with intention and deliberation to express specific vibrations that will help you to release, balance, accept, or create new ways of thinking. 

By shifting your mental, emotional and spiritual perspective you can open your awareness to the endless possibilities that ARE your life!  ​

Sound and color are healing modalities.

According to the law of physics, everything that moves creates a vibration.  Whether or not we hear it, everything moving has a sound, created from a vibration all its own.  In our daily lives, we are bombarded with vibrations -- from the subtle vibration of our bed as we shift in sleep, to the dishes as we prepare breakfast, to our automobiles as we climb into the car for our daily commute. These are just a few of our subtle experiences of vibration.  On a macro level, we experience vibration from the planets and distant galaxies moving around the stars, and from a micro experience, we feel vibration from the electrons moving around the nucleus of an atom.  In our own bodies, we feel vibration from our skin, tissue, muscle, and bone.  We feel vibration from the interactions we have with other humans, from the unnoticed passer-by to our intimate friends and family.

These vibrations can be experienced as sound and color.  When we are in a state of health, we are like a well-harmonized orchestra of vibration.  But what happens if just one of those instruments in our orchestra goes out of tune?  It is not long before the entire orchestra is out of balance.

Vibrational healing is designed to provide the correct resonant frequency to that part of a person that is vibrating out of harmony, causing that part to make a correction and restore it’s harmonic vibration.  In this metaphor for human health, sound and color can assist the body to align its vibration to a healthy rhythm for healing and restoration of wellness and health.

The experience of sound and color healing is deeply relaxing. You know that sound and color can set a mood, and you know that some sounds and colors make us feel better than others. Whether or not we know it, our bodies take cues from sounds and colors.  A growing body of research suggests that when sound and color are used in a directed way, they can also help reduce stress, create a deep sense of well-being, and even promote healing.  Each part of our bodies has its own natural vibration, and disease can be a result of those natural vibrations getting out of tune – whether due to stress, illness or environmental factors.  Current research suggests that healthy vibrations can lower heart-rate variability, relax brain-wave patterns, reduce respiratory rates and decrease stress hormones.   This is good. 

Energy medicine is increasingly partnering with allopathic medicine, addressing the whole person while western medicine addresses the sick person.  This partnership facilitates major advancements in the humanization of medicine.  For example, Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, MD,  an oncologist at Cornell University’s Weill Medical College in New York, uses singing bowls with his cancer patients.  Or did you know that Dr. Oz brought in energy healers during heart transplant procedure for stabilization and faster recovery time?  You might be surprised to learn of the growing partnership between the western philosophy for the cure and energy medicine's philosophy for healing.

Energy Medicine restores and balances your energy.

Meet in-person ​​in the Boulder, Longmont, Denver Colorado area, or virtually from anywhere in the world for psychotherapy, coaching and hypnosis for trauma resolution and performance. 

what to expect

hands of light

Reiki and Healing Touch are therapies that help to restore and balance energy that has been depleted due to  illness, injury, grief, mental and physical health conditions, or simply the stress of day to day living. When your energy system is off balance, the energy that usually flows through and around your body becomes congested which often becomes pain or discomfort. Muscle tightness in the neck and shoulders, inability to sleep well, increased anxiety, and headaches are just some of the symptoms that can be attributed to energy congestion. 

Reiki and Healing Touch promote deep relaxation.  In this deep state, muscles relax and circulation is improved.  With improved blood flow to the body's major organs, oxygen levels throughout the body are elevated.  This in turn allows for better absorption of nutrients, increased ability to digest, better regulation of hormones, and the release of toxins.  This healthier state allows cells to regenerate and promotes a sense of well-being that supports healing and regulates the immune system.

As well as being beneficial for physical alignments, Reiki and Healing Touch can facilitate emotional and mental healing. Most people report feeling much lighter and at peace following a treatment.  This is because they are! Emotions such as depression, anger, guilt, and grief are often released.  The space they once occupied now has room for light, truth, love, forgiveness, and joy.

Energy Medicine promotes a sense of well-being that supports healing and regulates the immune system.  It works within the physical, mental, and emotional systems.

Vibrational healing